
Connect To Your Google Manufacturer Center Environment

Enhance your online presence in Google shopping with Icecat! Streamline the integration of your product content from Icecat into Google Manufacturer Center (GMC), maximizing your brand’s visibility and engagement across Google’s digital platforms.

By enriching Google with detailed product information and compelling narratives, brands enhance their search and shopping relevance, driving higher conversion rates. Discover how Icecat can elevate your digital strategy and expand your market reach. Connect with us today to schedule a demo and start optimizing your product listings in Google effectively.

Image link
Upload your brand content using a GTIN match with Icecat directly to Google Manufacturing Center platform
Utilize existing mappings by Icecat taxonomy team for Icecat-Google Manufacturer Center integration
Automate regular update pushes to Google Manufacturer Center to provide the latest brand information
Boost impressions and clicks by 22-47% and 27-37% in Google shopping
Contact Us

Onboarding Steps

Share your GMC Client ID with us.

Select Icecat as your Data Partner in GMC.

Icecat accepts your brand in GMC.

Icecat sets up your brand in Icecat PIM.

Export automation to GMC.

Icecat - Magento Connector Features
Multi-Language Capability
Exportable Data (Content):
Product descriptions, images, bullet points, attributes, SEO, other Icecat data
Export Data Format:
API connector
Supported countries
US, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, and Sweden (technically all-around 40 countries in which Google Manufacturer Center is active)

Ready to Connect?

Discover Icecat Connect
Discover Icecat PIM
Discover Icecat Catalog
Discover Icecat Order

Frequently Asked Questions

The Icecat-GMC connector is targeted at brands that aim to enhance their visibility in Google Shopping by providing comprehensive product data across the Google ecosystem.

To start using the Icecat-Google Manufacturer Center connector, contact us or book a demo. After agreeing on the project objectives, we can initiate and plan the integration process.

We automate regular updates to Google Manufacturer Center, ensuring the latest brand information is always available.

Yes, you can upload your brand content using a GTIN match with Icecat directly to the Google Manufacturer Center platform.

To take advantage of the Icecat-GMC connector, you need to be an Icecat sponsoring brand.

No, we do not provide a free trial. However, we can show our demo of the integration for hundreds of sponsored brands and demonstrate how Icecat PIM works in real life, answering all necessary questions.

Have a question or want more information? We are here to help!