Bol Demo

Icecat is Gold Partner of Bol

Icecat enables brands, retailers, and marketplaces to exchange product content in a simple and fast way. Our services include a content catalog, e-commerce integrations, and Product Information Management (PIM) systems.

What can you expect?

The service has been specially developed for Bol partners
Integration & IT security is controlled by Bol

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    Push product content to Bol

    Improve your brand specs and catalog coverage
    Icecat’s API integration with Bol will help your brand to enrich product content and increase coverage.
    Reduced work for brand product managers
    With the Icecat API to Bol a brand product manager does not have to enrich products in the Bol catalog themselves. We do that for you.
    Insights and reporting function
    The reporting function helps our taxonomy- and editor team to understand which brand content to add and is missing.
    Multilingual platform
    The multilingual Icecat PIM helps brand our editors to easily add the product content in Dutch and French before it is syndicated to
    Mapping to Bol
    Is the most time consuming and complex part of connecting your catalog with Bol. Our taxonomy team takes care of the mapping to categories and makes sure all your content is up to date and seamlessly syndicated.
    Icecat takes care of specific brands requirements
    A unique requirement is that Bol wants to receive an image of the CE marking on a product. Icecat processes such CE marks for all products with a power plug.
    Set Icecat as primary content source
    In case a brand owner chooses Icecat, it is important to verify that all content in the Icecat catalog is complete. By providing us the authority as the primary content source, you can be assured that any seller uses your Brands content.