Data Capture

Icecat Collects Content in Any Way

Push API
Push API
The Push-API is intended for large datasets of SKU’s from a brand. With the Push-API a brand can push product content to the Icecat PIM system.
Via matrices brands can add their content to a data file. The Icecat editorial team can add it to the Icecat PIM.
When only uploading a handfull of products the manual way using the interface is the most convenient option to add content to the Icecat catalog.
ETL engine
ETL engine
Via Extract, Tranform and Load (ETL) a brand’s product content is easily added into the Icecat PIM and ready for syndication towards the channel.
Web crawling
Web crawling
Via web crawling all the content on a website will be downloaded by a bot and added to the Icecat PIM.
Often brands have stored their product content in multiple databases. Therefore a combination of Push-API, ETL, matrices, scraping or manually is also possible.
How to share content with Icecat?
For every brand there is a way to share their content.

How does it work?

Distribute Content
Distribute Content
Before pushing product content to the Icecat PIM, make sure you map the content.
All content is supported
All content is supported
For example, basic content, images, marketing texts, features, videos, PDF’s, reasons-to-buy, and 3D images.
Collaboration with Icecat
Collaboration with Icecat
Assistance, and cooperation with the Account Manager, Taxonomy Team, Editor Team, or Technical Support is available.