Growth Fund

Icecat Capital

Icecat Capital, the investment fund of Icecat, is dedicated to fostering innovation and growth across various industries. As part of our company, Icecat Capital invests in promising platforms and SaaS companies, as well as ventures in other sectors. Recent investments include Wakuli, VirtuaGym, and NPEX BV. This diverse portfolio reflects our commitment to supporting businesses that drive impactful innovation and develop valuable products and solutions across various industries.

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Wakuli Raises €5.2 Million with Icecat Capital as a New Investor

Wakuli, the impact-driven coffee company, secures €5.2 million in a series of funding round led by Icecat Capital. This strategic investment underscores Icecat Capital’s commitment to supporting ventures with growth potential and a dedication to making a positive impact.

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Icecat Capital New Shareholder in NPEX as Part of €2 Million Round

NPEX BV, the Dutch stock exchange for SMEs, has completed a €2 million financing round. Existing shareholders, including CEO Mark van der Pla, led this financing round. Icecat Capital, the investment fund of Icecat, also joins as a new shareholder with just under 10% participation.

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Icecat Capital Invests €3 Million in Fitness Tech Provider Virtuagym

Virtuagym, a promising fitness technology provider, has received a €3 million investment from Icecat Capital. This smart fund is Icecat’s initiative to support e-commerce SaaS and cloud companies, launched earlier this year, indicating the potential for significant growth in the future.

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Interview with Hugo Braam

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