
Optimal Buying Decisions

We support e-commerce businesses in helping online shoppers make better buying decisions by providing complete and accurate product information.

We strive to support online businesses in delivering complete and optimized product information that helps online shoppers make well-informed buying decisions, and therefore we help reduce returns. 

The Icecat taxonomy supports a wide range of sustainability labels and certifications, including category- and region-specific ones. This way, consumers easily find out about the environmental impact of the goods they are viewing online.

Our product content also contains precise information about product and packaging sizing, crucial for the optimization of storing and transporting products and therefore lowering the environmental impact.


We Are Working on Becoming Climate Neutral

We are taking a closer look at our footprint and the impact we have through our value chain to find opportunities to improve our sustainability. For example, the office in Nieuwegein in the Netherlands is climate-neutral. We chose for sustainable data centers, a fleet of lease cars with zero emission, and company bikes.

On the roof of our office building in Nieuwegein, we have installed solar panels.

Our employees utilize the energy of Tesla’s superchargers and other power stations to drive towards their customers.

Employees living closer to the offices are encouraged to use (company) bikes or public transport for their commute.