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Firstly, manufacturers or Icecat import all available product data to the Icecat database. Next, Icecat editors will take care of the standardization and completeness of product datasheets. Finally, Icecat will automatically distribute or syndicate the product content to tens of thousands of users. Or to a limited distribution list conforming to the syndication policies of the respective brand owner.

The syndication can either be direct or indirect. To clarify, direct syndication targets registered Icecat users, typically directly connected channel partners, distributors, or platforms. Indirect syndication is towards channel partners that receive Open Icecat data via distributors and other international e-business platforms and may not be registered at Icecat as a user.

Via the Brand Rank Monitor, brands can track several statistics. For example, the score is calculated based on the number of requests. Furthermore, the breakdown per country is visible. In the future, new features like download statistics for authorized resellers, the performance of individual product pages, and stock-based sales automation will be introduced.

  1. Cost-efficient Content Solution: decrease the in-house costs for e-commerce by replacing your expensive in-house or other content provider solutions with Full Icecat.
  2. Increased content quality: increase your customer satisfaction and boost your sales with higher-quality content.
  3. Lower Returns & Improved Customer Loyalty: convert your visitors into buyers with simple and accurate search & compare features and rich basic & multimedia content information.
  4. Increase Efficiency Within The Organization: use the product information for internal and external communication and channel your sources to other areas to increase capabilities.

Potentially, you can integrate Icecat data yourself and, depending on the format, with your IT team’s support. In addition, please refer to our manuals for a step-by-step explanation of integrating Icecat on your platform. Click here to access our manuals.

If you need a connector, Icecat works with several of them: Magento, Icepim, Prestashop, etc. See the overview of add-ons. Please, contact us for more information or leave a message below.

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