
Commitment to Investors

At Icecat, we prioritize transparency and integrity in our communication with investors. Our commitment is to furnish investors with top-tier, precise, and timely information, empowering them to make well-informed investment choices. We believe in fostering a relationship built on trust and reliability, ensuring our investors have the insights they need to navigate the market confidently.

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Annual Report 2023

Solid growth, improved profitability and exploding use. Download the report below.

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Annual Report 2022

Solid growth, improved profitability and exploding use. Download the report below.

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Annual Report 2021

Solid growth, improved profitability and exploding use. Download the report below.

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Why Icecat?

Icecat is dedicated to supporting our e-commerce partners by delivering top-tier product content designed to enhance their customers’ purchasing experience while promoting sustainability. Our product content is available in any world language, tailored to fit the needs of diverse markets, and accessible across all devices. Additionally, we offer convenient add-ons to streamline product content integration into our partners’ platforms.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, Icecat invests in showcasing detailed specifications, features, and environmental footprint information for products. By providing transparent insights into products’ ecological impact, we support consumers in making informed and eco-conscious purchasing decisions.

Open Content Model
Open Content Model
The Icecat open content model is available for any brand through our Free Vendor Central. After registration, content users can download and add content to their platform for free.
Full Service PIM
Full Service PIM
The Icecat eco-system can distribute product content to any brand, retailer, and e-commerce partner with product content from all categories in the Icecat catalog.
Award-Winning Solution
Award-Winning Solution
Icecat earns annual accolades, including FD Gazellen and 8th in Main Software Top 50 for 2023, plus nominations in the Top 50 Fastest-growing Dutch Data Science Companies.
World Class SaaS
World Class SaaS
All the Icecat teams and departments are constantly improving our services so brands and content users receive the best service worldwide and are provided the best SaaS.
Profitable & Fast Growth
Profitable & Fast Growth
Icecat’s footprint grows rapidly every year, and the EBITDA increased significantly by 40% in 2020. Overall, the company’s annual revenues increased by 8%.
NPEX Listed
NPEX Listed
Since November 3rd, 2016, the subscription to digital receipts of new shares in Icecat N.V. has been active at NPEX, the Dutch digital stock exchange for SMEs.