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Annual Report 2022

Solid growth, improved profitability and exploding use. Download the report below:

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Q3 2023 results

Revenue of Icecat N.V. increased by 6.3% during the third quarter (Q3) of 2023 compared to the same period last year

Press release

Why Icecat?

Icecat provides e-commerce partners with high-quality product content that helps their buyers make better and sustainable purchase decisions, in any world language, country, and device. Add-ons are available to make it as easy as possible to ingest product content.

The sustainability dimension is reflected in the investments Icecat makes to show specs, features, and logos related to the environmental footprint of products.

The Icecat open content model is freely available for any brand via our Free Vendor Central or for content users that can download and ingest the content into their platform for free after registration.

The Icecat eco-system is able to distribute product content to any brand, retailer, and e-commerce partner with product content from all categories in the Icecat catalog.

Icecat is nominated and ranked for multiple prices each year. For example in 2020 Icecat is ranked 46th in FD Gazellen Award 2020, 12th in Main Software Top 50 2020 Edition. Also, Icecat is nominated in the Top 50 Fastest-growing Dutch Data Science Companies 2020 and
National Winner of the European Business of the Year Award 2019

All the Icecat teams and departments constantly keep working on improving our services so brands and users receive the best service in the world and provide the best SaaS.

Icecat’s footprint is growing very fast every year and the EBITDA increased considerably by 40% in 2020. Overall the annual revenues of Icecat increased by 8%.

Since 3rd November 2016 the subscription to digital receipts of new shares in Icecat N.V. started at NPEX, the Dutch digital stock exchange for SMEs in the Netherlands.