
Upcoming Events

Explore the list below to see the Exhibitions and Events where Icecat will be present. Stay in the loop about our latest activities and find out where we showcase our products, meet industry experts, and connect with our community. Stay tuned for exciting events, partnerships, and updates on how we’re shaping the future of e-commerce.

Choose an exhibition from the list below and schedule a meeting with one of our experts at an upcoming event to connect with us in person.

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21 - 25 August 2024, Cologne Fair, Cologne, Germany

Multichannel Day

Multichannel Day

29 August 2024, RheinEnergie Stadion Cologne, Cologne, Germany

VTEX Connect

VTEX Connect

5 September 2024, Expo Santa Fe, Mexico City, Mexico

IFA Berlin

IFA Berlin

6 - 10 September 2024, Messe Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Paris Retail Week

Paris Retail Week

17 - 19 September 2024, Paris Porte de Versailles, Paris, France

Brand Licensing Expo

Brand Licensing Expo

24 - 26 September 2024, Excel London, London, UK

eCommerce Expo Asia

eCommerce Expo Asia

9 - 10 October 2024, Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Singapore

Garden Centre Expo

Garden Centre Expo

15 - 16 October 2024, Excel London, London, UK

Games Spectacle

Games Spectacle

9 - 10 November 2024, Jaarbeurs Utrecht, Netherlands

Preshow Nöel

Preshow Nöel

18 - 22 November 2024, Hôtel Barrière Le Royal, Deauville, France

Tech for Retail 2024

Tech for Retail 2024

26 - 27 November 2024, Port de Versailles, Paris, France

WebWinkel Vakdagen

WebWinkel Vakdagen

2 - 3 April 2025, Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, Netherlands