HASBRO Optimizes Their Content Syndication With Icecat

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Hasbro is a leading toy and game company dedicated to entertaining and uniting generations of fans through captivating storytelling and the excitement of play. Hasbro creates immersive brand experiences for audiences worldwide, spanning toys, consumer products, gaming, and entertainment, anchored by a rich portfolio of iconic brands.

Recognizing the necessity of providing precise and current product information, Hasbro teamed up with Icecat to streamline their content syndication process.

This collaboration ensures that Hasbro’s partners always have access to the latest product data, promoting efficiency and optimal outcomes in the competitive market.


SKUs Datasheets Published
Product Stories Impressions
Global Markets Covered
Providence, United States
December 6, 1923
Operating Area

Collection and Input of Product Content: The process starts with the collection of product content information. Hasbro can input this information manually or provide it through Icecat’s editorial team and automated feed imports. This ensures that all necessary product details, including specifications, marketing texts, product images, brochures, and other content types, are captured efficiently and accurately.

Standardization and Quality Assurance: Once collected, Icecat standardizes the data and ensures its quality. Using a generic data structure that incorporates detailed taxonomy and rigorous quality checks, Icecat creates comprehensive product data-sheets. These data-sheets contain all relevant product information, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and ease of navigation within Icecat’s extensive product catalog.

Syndication and Distribution: Hasbro has licensed Icecat to add its copyrighted materials for all its trademarks to the Icecat catalog. This allows Icecat to syndicate Hasbro’s content to their channel partners with the option to download data-sheets in various formats. This facilitates hassle-free integration with different e-commerce platforms and boosts the online presence of Hasbro products.

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