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Icecat Commerce

Product Information Management

Centralize all complex product data in one PIM software. Edit content or enrich descriptions using our product database across all channels. Integrate with Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Amazon, and more. Customize setups to get the functionality you need for simplified e-commerce operations.

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Benefits of Using a PIM System for Businesses

Increased Online Sales

Provide customers with detailed and accurate product information. This way, boost the shopping experience and increase conversions.

Improved Time & Cost Efficiency

Manage product-related workflows across different sales channels from a centralized PIM platform. Reduce manual tasks and optimize workflows.

Expanded Product Assortment

Add and manage a wide range of products across multiple channels. Update product information to scale your catalog without increasing the workload.

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Optimized Supply Chain

Automate stock and pricing updates from several suppliers with our PIM solution. Set rules to source goods at the most favorable prices.

Enhanced Data Accuracy

Minimize human errors with automated data processes. Ensure consistent and reliable product information across all channels.

Faster Time to Market

Make quick product information updates to launch faster. Synchronize updates across multiple platforms through a single hub.

Features of Icecat PIM Solution

Advanced Automation
Advanced Automation
Streamline your product data management with Icecat PIM. Automate data enrichment, pricing adjustments, and stock updates for accurate product information across all sales channels. Experience a smoother workflow and improved product data.
Scalability & Flexibility
Scalability & Flexibility
As your business grows, our product information management software scales with you. Expand your product catalog, enter new markets, or manage an increasing number of suppliers. All thanks to Icecat PIM’s flexible architecture and customizable features.
Content Management
Content Management
Discover detailed product information for a wide range of products, including consumer electronics, tech gadgets, telecom equipment, toys, and office supplies. Our product data enrichment services provide everything you need to enhance your product listings
Enhanced Collaboration
Enhanced Collaboration
Boost teamwork within your organization with Icecat PIM. Ensure everyone in the product lifecycle has access to accurate, up-to-date product information. Besides, data at our information management platform comes in a single format. So, it’s easy to distribute it across different channels.
Customer-Centric Approach
Customer-Centric Approach
Whether you’re a small business or an enterprise, we’ll create a setup that covers the desired flows. Get personalized support and guidance at every step, to make the most of your PIM investment. If you need a custom solution, our team is ready to implement the desired integrations or features.
Comprehensive Integration
Comprehensive Integration
Whether you’re selling on Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Shopware, or Prestashop, Icecat PIM simplifies product information management across multiple sales channels. Effortlessly add new SKUs, update listings, maintain consistent product data, ensuring accuracy.
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400+ Connected Suppliers

Icecat Commerce has built a large network of suppliers for sourcing assortment, stock, and pricing in the industries of electronic devices, IT products, electronics, and more. We can automate stock and pricing for any supplier with a digital catalog.

Join Our Network

Shop Connectors

Icecat Commerce’s connectors synchronize product data, inventory, and pricing across multiple platforms. Improve efficiency and ensure consistency in your online operations with our PIM Connectors.

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Our Data Flow Chart

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With 25+ Years of Experience, Icecat Commerce Is the Only Partner You Need

Target Industries

Tech Products

Our product information management platform lets you manage complex IT product data from one control center. Update & distribute detailed specifications across multiple platforms. Improve your product listings with accurate & enriched content to stay competitive.


Our PIM solution makes it easier to handle vast product ranges of modems, LANs, answering machines, and other telecom equipment efficiently. Enhance collaboration with standardized information that is easily accessible to all relevant departments.

Office Supplies

Icecat PIM simplifies the management and distribution of laptops, desks, folders, mailing supplies, and a wide range of other office equipment. Automatically update stock levels and adjust pricing to maintain accurate and comprehensive product information.


Manage extensive product catalogs of smartphones, computers, game consoles, TVs, wearables, and other electronic devices with ease. Provide customers with detailed descriptions and high-quality images to significantly improve their shopping experience.

Benefits of Partnering with Icecat Commerce

Automated E-commerce Processes
Automated E-commerce Processes
Automate up to 80% of your manual product data management tasks with the Icecat Commerce suite. Manage inventory, content, order processing, and customer communication—all from a centralized platform.
Efficient Product Data Management
Efficient Product Data Management
Set filters on your assortment by supplier, brand, or conditions. Easily create a custom categorization tree for streamlined management. Enrich your product listings with Icecat data and manage content in other languages.
Global Supplier Network
Global Supplier Network
Connect with over 400 suppliers worldwide across Technology, Devices, Electronics, and more. Get notifications on stock levels, prices, and product assortment updates. If they have a digital catalog, easily add them to your network at Icecat Commerce.
Smooth E-commerce Integration
Smooth E-commerce Integration
Use connectors to Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, Odoo, Shopware, and more. Sync product data, inventory, and pricing across these platforms via our enterprise product information management tool.
Product Content Integration
Product Content Integration
Broaden your assortment and enrich your product content with a diverse product range available in Icecat catalog. Our database includes descriptions, images, specifications, and much more.
Reduced Data Management Costs
Reduced Data Management Costs
Automate manual tasks to save time and reduce labor costs with Icecat Commerce solutions. Centralize your product data to optimize management and reduce costly errors.
Tailored Solutions & Consultancy
Tailored Solutions & Consultancy
Get personalized advice every step of the way. Book a call with our experts to find the perfect Icecat Commerce solution. We’ll help you choose the right tools for optimizing your operations.
Efficient Order Management
Efficient Order Management
Use our Order EDI system to automate sending orders and receiving status updates between your web store and suppliers. Keep customers informed about their order status via email.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Product Information Management (PIM) system centralizes all your product data. It ensures consistent, accurate, and up-to-date information across all sales channels. That’s a good choice for businesses that handle large product volumes.

A PIM system collects, manages, and distributes product information from a centralized place. It integrates data from various sources and enriches descriptions with detailed data. Then, a PIM synchronizes those updates across integrated sales channels (Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Shopware, Prestashop, and more) through Connectors. Also, Icecat PIM contains a network of suppliers in telecom, electronics, toys, and office supplies, so its users will get direct notifications about stock levels or price changes.

Icecat PIM exemplifies effective PIM technology, offering functionality to facilitate the exchange of product information from suppliers to sales and management channels. Here’s how it works: supplier data is sent to Icecat Connect, which then transfers it to Icecat PIM. From there, you can import the data into your ERP or supported e-commerce platforms. This provides a complete solution for simplifying your product data management processes.

PIM software is ideal for businesses managing large volumes of products and diverse sales channels. Icecat PIM is especially beneficial for retailers of IT products, TVs, computers, office supply, and gaming devices. We’ve built connections with major suppliers to simplify data exchange within our platform.

PIM software allows you to oversee product descriptions, specifications, images, and pricing. It also facilitates the management of inventory levels and supplier details. This ensures that all information remains consistent, accurate, and current across all your sales platforms.

Icecat PIM is secure. It boasts robust data encryption, regular security audits, and compliance with industry standards. Additionally, our cloud-based infrastructure ensures high availability and disaster recovery. So, you get peace of mind knowing your product information is safe.

PIM focuses on managing product data for e-commerce and marketing purposes. MDM (Master Data Management) encompasses a broader scope and enables the management of all types of critical business data, including customer, supplier, and financial data.

A DAM stands for Digital Asset Management system. It allows managing and storing digital assets (images, videos, and documents). A PIM platform can manage product data (prices, specs, etc.). Both systems complement each other in e-commerce operations.

With PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), you can manage the entire product lifecycle, from concept to disposal. PIM is all about managing and distributing product information.

PIM helps centralize all product information. Thus, it ensures consistency and accuracy across all sales channels. It makes it easier to update product descriptions, prices, and stock levels. So, there is no space for manual effort and errors.

With PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), you can manage the entire product lifecycle, from concept to disposal. PIM is all about managing and distributing product information.

With PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), you can manage the entire product lifecycle, from concept to disposal. PIM is all about managing and distributing product information.