How We Integrate Icecat Content With Icecat Commerce Products? Based on the collective experience from numerous Icecat and PIM implementations, we compiled a list of 4 tips that are crucial for the successful integration of rich product content into e-commerce environments. It’s important to note that these tips apply specifically to the full integration of Icecat product content and not the lighter Icecat LIVE version.
1. Employment of Index Files for Large Catalog Matching
Index files are your go-to for daily matching of extensive product portfolios with the Icecat database, ensuring timely and optimal downloading of product content. We don’t need to export all of your product content catalogs daily, wasting resources. At Icecat Commerce we utilize the standard Files Index for the initial import, a Daily Index for daily updates.
Tip: For smaller portfolios, opt for real-time data calls based on the Brand+ Manufacturer Part Number code or GTIN.
2. Matching Your Products with Icecat Using Brand Name + Part Code or GTIN
In the Icecat catalog, every product datasheet comes with a Manufacturer Part Number (MPN), and around 70% also have at least one GTIN barcode (EAN, UPC). To maximize your portfolio coverage, it’s crucial to include these identifiers for your assortment. Having these identifiers, we can provide the best content coverage upon availability in Icecat.

3. Incorporate Local Values into Product Features
In Icecat’s product XMLs, you’ll find multiple feature values for each feature: Value (International), Local Value, and Presentation Value. The Local Value is the latest and most suitable for populating your product features. It’s fully standardized, automated for easy use in your PIM/PDM system, and tailored to your local language and standards (units).
Tip: Opt for Local Value over International Value or Presentation Value. We strongly recommend against using the International (INT) Value unless you’re building a global PIM. Additionally, we suggest using the pre-formatted and textual Presentation Value only in low-end e-commerce setups with basic data transformation capabilities.

4. Making Use of Icecat’s Rich Content and Customizing it
Adding multimedia assets to your product pages can significantly enhance conversion rates, and Icecat syndicates all available assets from brands. This includes multiple images, 360-degree product tours, feature logos, reasons to buy, multilingual PDF leaflets, manuals, energy labels, images, and enhanced marketing texts.. Newly added Product Stories from Icecat became popular, a new form of rich media that provides online shoppers with a tangible feel of the product and can contribute to increased conversion rates. It’s easy to implement and adds a valuable touch to the online shopping experience. But with Icecat Commerce solutions, you can not only make use of Icecat content but also modify the content, make it unique and customized, which in the end creates your branding and has a positive impact on your website’s SEO.
Icecat Product Story | Official brands content – easy to integrate
Need assistance with how we integrate Icecat Content With Icecat Commerce Products? Feel free to reach out to your local account manager or contact us directly—we’re here to help.
Vaiva is a Marketing Specialist at Icecat with a passion for driving brand growth through innovative strategies. When she’s not busy with marketing campaigns, she enjoys traveling and discovering new cultures.