Icecat Order

Exchange Orders With Your Shop and Suppliers

Introducing Icecat Order, Icecat Commerce’s Order EDI system. Icecat Order is a powerful exchange service that allows you to automatically send orders between your web store and your suppliers, and receive order status messages the same day.

This makes it easy to work with your suppliers, as well as to keep your customers informed about the status of their orders, whether by email or by logging into the secure part of your web store. Plus, Icecat Order allows you to make real-time stock requests for individual products. Our software can also be connected to Icecat catalog. Streamline your ordering processes and improve customer satisfaction with Icecat Order. Request a demo today to learn more.

Standardized data format (XML)
Implement any interface for your own system
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Why Use Icecat Order?

Eliminate Manual Work
Eliminate Manual Work
Save time on manual order fulfillment with multiple document templates, procedures, means of communication, and enjoy automatic sync.
Automate Order Management
Automate Order Management
Our software efficiently manages them automatically, keeping your customers informed about their order status.
Integrate Icecat Order
Integrate Icecat Order
Connect with your existing webshop effortlessly and deliver all order requests to your suppliers automatically.
Scale with Ease
Scale with Ease
As your business grows, the Icecat software seamlessly scales with you, efficiently handling even larger volumes of orders, customer data, product listings, and suppliers.
Enhance Customer Experience
Enhance Customer Experience
With automated order management, the software ensures timely processing and delivery, enhancing customer satisfaction.
Free up Time for Strategic Tasks
Free up Time for Strategic Tasks
Focus on strategic initiatives like marketing and assortment development while our software handles the routine tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your daily order volume is currently still manageable manually, Icecat Order may not be necessary for your operations. Typically, the software is best suited for customers processing tens of orders daily.

Contact us or request a demo, and we’ll arrange an obligation-free meeting. During this session, we’ll introduce you to the software and tailor a solution to match your specific business requirements. Once we’ve aligned on project objectives and timeline, we’ll swiftly deliver the solution to you.

Icecat Order streamlines your workflow by automating the process of taking orders from your webshop and transmitting them to your suppliers. Instead of manual communication, the software handles this task automatically, saving you time and effort while ensuring efficient order management.

Icecat Order is billed annually, with costs varying depending on your setup and specific needs.

While we don’t offer a free trial, we’re more than happy to walk you through how the software works and provide a detailed demo. During this demonstration, we’ll address any questions or concerns you may have.

Absolutely. Our dedicated project delivery team will provide comprehensive assistance throughout the entire implementation process.

Have a question or want more information? We are here to help!