Smart Click New Zealand enriches its offers with rich product content from Icecat fully automated thanks to the new WooCommcerce connector. Smart Click sells services, such as laptop repairs, virus and software fixes, desktop or tower PC repairs. The WooCommerce connector for Smart Click solves its issues by putting multiple data feeds, including enriched content, into one single output feed.
Benefits WooCommerce connector
What are the key benefits of the Icecat WooCommerce Connector? First of all, the Icecat connector solves the challenge of joining multiple data feeds with additional content into one single output feed, quickly and easily. Furthermore, the connector automates the enrichment of product offers in different environments, directly from the Icecat catalog. Finally, the connector supports full PIM management of product attributes, images, etc.
Our experience with the Iceshop team is amazing. I like to work with a team that knows what they are doing regarding multiple data feeds.
They say if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t true,
but it is true with the Iceshop team.Drew Howitt – Technical director at Smart Click
How does the connector work?
After installation, the WooCommerce connector, as Smart Click uses, will automatically create, update, or delete the required product content that matches the catalog in WooCommerce. Each night this connector checks in batch if there is any updated or new content available for the assortment. Similar connectors are available for Magento, Prestashop, and Shopify.
Do you encounter problems joining multiple data feeds? If so, don’t hesitate to contact us directly through the website.