
Integrate Your Product Content with Icecat

At Icecat, we understand the importance of rich product data flow across platforms to enable businesses to efficiently access and distribute product information. That’s why we’ve developed an extensive suite of integrations designed to meet the diverse needs of our partners worldwide. Whether you’re selling on a marketplace, an e-commerce platform, or a custom-built system, our integrations make it simple to connect with Icecat’s extensive product data catalog.

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What are Icecat Integrations?

Icecat Integrations allow businesses to incorporate product content from Icecat’s global free product information database into their platforms or software. Icecat provides rich, standardized data—such as descriptions, images, specifications, and marketing materials, covering products across various Computer, Electronics, Home appliances industries, and more.

These integrations enable companies to automatically enrich their product catalogs with up-to-date, high-quality content, improving user experience, SEO, and overall sales performance. Icecat Integrations are built by Icecat or in collaboration with external partners. The wide variety of integrations ensures that Icecat’s product content can be delivered globally.

Marketplace Integrations

We partner with leading global marketplaces to make sure our product content is accessible and easy to integrate. Our major marketplace integrations empower you to sell globally by ensuring that your product content is always accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible on leading platforms around the world.

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Webshop Connectors

Our Icecat webshop connectors allow you to automatically sync Icecat’s rich product data with your online store. With these connectors, you can streamline the import and updates of Icecat product product, ensuring that your listings are consistently accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, you can connect to distributors’ product feeds for stock and pricing updates and manage your retailers’ product information management needs with Icecat PIM.

PIM System

Icecat has internally developed the best PIM solution for managing Icecat data, called Icecat PIM. This system is purpose-built for Icecat’s data model structure and offers essential tools for retailers who want to customize their Icecat data or create their own, including AI-powered features. In addition, Icecat PIM can provide distributor pricing and stock automation, enhancing the efficiency of your operations. Icecat PIM also serves brands, enabling them to tailor their data for specialized retailers. In addition to our in-house PIM, we offer access to other partners’ open-source solutions, which are available at your own risk. While these options provide flexibility, we advise caution as we do not provide support for them and cannot guarantee their performance or reliability.

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CRM and ERP Systems

Icecat automates the flow of accurate and up-to-date product data across your organization by connecting to your ERP and CRM systems. Whether you’re looking to enrich customer records in your CRM or optimize inventory levels in your ERP, Icecat’s integrations can help you achieve these goals. Additionally, we can develop custom ERP and CRM integrations tailored to your specific needs.

E-commerce Plugins

Our e-commerce plugins offer direct, hassle-free integration with popular platforms. These plugins allow you to import, manage, and display Icecat’s product data within your online store, ensuring your product listings are always optimized and informative.

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File Integrations

In addition to our existing integrations, we provide support for standard file formats, including CSV, XML, XLSX, and JSON. We also offer Icecat Live integration, allowing for real-time access to our extensive product data.

Custom API Integrations

Icecat’s custom API integrations cater to both brands and retail customers. Whether a brand needs to deliver specialized product sheets to a retailer or a retailer operates a custom-built shop with established business processes, our API connections offer unmatched flexibility. We can directly push the Icecat-enriched or own catalog to your system, enabling real-time product information updates, process automation, and a smooth customer experience. Additionally, our in-house eCommerce platform, Icecat Batavi, is tailored for B2B retailers, helping them manage customer group pricing, orders and invoicing efficiently.

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Open Source Integrations

Icecat provides open-source possibilities for those who wish to develop their own integrations. While we offer the flexibility to utilize these connections, please note that we do not provide support for them and are not responsible for any issues that may arise. We always recommend using integrations built by Icecat for optimal performance and reliability.

All Integrations

Explore the full range of our integrations below to discover how Icecat can seamlessly connect with your platform and enhance your access to high-quality product data.


Explore Our Resource Library

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Guide to Better PIM

Discover how a PIM platform drives sales by unifying data & enhancing user experience across all channels.

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White Paper PIM

Explore product information management systems and learn about their different functionalities.

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Icecat PIM vs Akeneo

Learn how Icecat PIM & Akeneo streamline product information management across channels.

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Icecat PIM vs Pimcore

Discover how Icecat PIM & Pimcore optimize product information management across channels.

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What Our Clients Say

Discover how our clients use Icecat to level up their e-commerce game. Explore our customer success stories!

Customer Stories

What Our Clients Say

Discover how our clients use Icecat to level up their e-commerce game. Explore our customer success stories!

Customer Stories